Mental Health it's causes and how to overcome it.

What is mental health?

According to World Health Organization (WHO)

Mental health is a state of mental well-being in which the individual realizes his or her abilities can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can contribute to their community.

In other words, mental health is not just the absence of mental disorders or disabilities but it is also all about how we think, feel, and behave. In all total, it is how our perception is towards different problems which in turn if not treated on time may cause disorders. 

We often underestimate the term mental health it may be due to various reasons but we tend to neglect it without thinking about its consequences. Approximately 8 million deaths occur each year due to various problems which in turn come out as related to mental health if not treated properly or on time can cause deadly disorders and eventually death.

Causes of Mental Health problems

There can be various reasons for adverse mental health.

1. Abuse, and trauma during childhood.

2. Loneliness, and neglect.

3. Poverty.

4. Stress, anxiety.

5. Losing someone close to you.

6. social abuse, body shaming, racism.

7. Drugs and alcohol abuse.

8. Physical problems can also be responsible for mental health, like neurological problems, and sometimes a head injury.

How to overcome mental health issues

Though mental health-related issues are extremely painful and it downgrades your self-worth in your very own eyes they can be cured not immediately but eventually by practicing the right things.

1. Practice mindfulness

    We often fall prey to our thoughts, which are mostly not true but it eventually leads to mental health its related issues so by practicing mindfulness we tend to live in present rather than living in past or stressing about the future.

This is one of the best ways to overcome this deadly issue which will help you to live in present and focus more on yourself and your very own purpose.

2. Talk to someone you trust

The person can be anyone, this will help you to overcome your stress and eventually anxiety. Try to talk to someone personally not on chats or social media this will help you to explain your problems more comfortably and their healing word will help you in one way or another.

3. Move daily

This is extremely underrated, people think that moving daily or exercising regularly will only improve their health but they get it wrong. Daily activities not only benefit physical health but is a great booster for mental health as it helps you to enhance yourself and know your worth. You must exercise or walk daily to keep your physical as well as mental health on track.

4. Therapy 

People often think that therapies are waste of time and money but this is the wrong approach, in turn, it is magnificent to improve your mental health. Sometimes it may be costly but there are alternatives for it too. Therapy will help you to boost your confidence and overcome all your problems. This is greatly underrated.

5. Give and value yourself

To get mentally healthy you should avoid criticizing yourself. You should never talk bad about yourself this has a bad impact on your mental health, try using good words for yourself, try to describe yourself beautifully, give yourself time, time to reflect upon yourself, time to think about yourself, time to focus on yourself, and time to value yourself. Follow your hobbies, do what you feel like doing and this will help you to overcome all your problems. 

These are some of the ways that will help you to overcome all your mental health-related issues.


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